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Founded in 2015 by the Visual Creator, Seva Mozhaev, Sevs Pics aims to capture the beauty in every day as well as those magical moments, while creating a memorable experience for all involved.


Formerly a school teacher, Sev's passion for photography began many years ago as a young boy living in the former Soviet Union. Initially taking photos of wildlife and landscapes, Sev migrated to Australia in 1997 with a dream to one day take his photography internationally. Fast forward to today, Sev has grown into one of Perth's leading photographers and creative innovator, renowned not only for his creativity with a camera but his influence on social platforms, especially TikTok.


Described as hilarious, charismatic and kind-natured, Sev not only brings his unique style into his photography but also his personality, making every shoot an enjoyable experience. 

"Every person I meet while photographing has had something unique and special about them, and most of the time they don't even know it. After photographing so many special events and moment, I've witnessed the power of a photography experience and what it can do for a person’s confidence".  "Photography has the ability to portray such raw, pure emotion and beauty, and the end results never cease to amaze me", Sev says.

Sev. seva mozhaev. Professional Portrait photo. photography. photo. photography. Sevs Pics. Perth Photographer.jpg
Sev. seva mozhaev. Professional Portrait photo. photography. photo. photography. Sevs Pics. Perth Photographer.jpg
Sev. seva mozhaev. Professional Portrait photo. photography. photo. photography. Sevs Pics. Perth Photographer.jpg
Sev. seva mozhaev. Professional Portrait photo. photography. photo. photography. Sevs Pics. Perth Photographer.jpg
Sev. seva mozhaev. Professional Portrait photo. photography. photo. photography. Sevs Pics. Perth Photographer.jpg
Sev. seva mozhaev. Professional Portrait photo. photography. photo. photography. Sevs Pics. Perth Photographer.jpg
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